Contractual and Commercial Services

1. Holistic Cost Reduction and Optimization

a) To propose sets of proven measurement rulers, KPIs, standards and benchmarks to evaluate and monitor the project cost from development, drilling/completion, topside scope, operation and production aspects.

b) To propose approaches on continuous modification and improvement of the value of FDP and operation by focusing on:

  • Well /completion type/placement/productivity and reservoir penetration
  • Optimization of the topside network and operation condition
  • Ways to achieve higher hydrocarbon recovery and accelerate production
  • Maximizing NPV
  • Minimizing Investment and operation cost

2. Cross-boundary negotiation and Recommissioning

When dealing with cross boundaries fields, RiseHill Team is capable:

  • To propose proven negotiation and techno-commercial strategies on monetization and maximizing the asset values of cross boundaries common fields

    • To propose guiding principles and step-by-step workable solutions on unitization and re-determination of cross boundary fields

  • To provide different methodologies on best Initial Tract Participation (ITP) distribution across the boundaries and development strategies in case the sharing agreement exist on production and/or joint development between the countries

  • To propose solutions on exploitation and development strategies on the common fields in case of no agreement in-place among the countries involved

  • To provide consultation and propose methodologies on estimation of volume and value compensation for the fields under production with no agreement in-place.

  • To share the best practices and lesson learnt from various real case examples of negotiation and agreement formulation among various countries, stake holders and blocks covering the gas-to-oil fields and onshore-to-offshore-to- Deep Water fields.

3. Contractual and Collaboration Model

Case-specific commercial and contractual arrangements are common practices within the oil/gas industry to attract investment and development potentials to monetize the complex and economically challenging fields. A clear integration is required between Strategic Intent, Asset Eligibility, Technical & Project aspects, and Business/Contractual/Commercial/Legal aspects with already defined KPIs and non-interpretive key decision gates and commitment milestones. High-level contracts with only guiding principles should be carefully defined and detailed into case-specific with clear actions and consequences to all the parties involved. The success of the application of any new contracts and working arrangements is hugely dependent on the clear objectives supported with associated role and responsibilities and accountability matrix to all the parties involved.


How RISEHILL ENERGY can help to assured well-rounded and customized value genera-tion arrangements for your company:


  • To propose workable and customized field-specific commercial and contractual terms and conditions to assure the project is commercially attractive for the investors while safeguarding the resource owner’s interest and values in a long-term full-field lifecycle.
  • To propose ways to safeguard the interest and improve the involve ment and capability of the domestic parties and local content (i.e., operator companies, service companies, R&T institutes, and universities, etc.) through effective partnership models with the foreign operator/investor.

  • To provide consultation and propose innovative contractual arrangements customized to the area/field-specific considering the techno-commercial complexities and mandates/processes involved

  • To provide views on the pro and cons of the short time service-based contracts vs long time production sharing-based contracts as well as innovative cases in between when it is well formulated to satisfy the field life asset value, operator/investor interests, and project/field ownership.