Management and Operation

1. Asset and Value Management 

  • To initiate various principal guidelines and templates to be used by the top-level management to be able to evaluate the performance of various projects in a sound quantitative manner
  • To provide solutions on cascading down the decisions and guidelines from the company board and top management level down to the project and working level.
  • To provide plans and solutions on appreciating the staff, boosting the capabilities, mastering and educating the young engineers and professionals in an Accelerated Development Plans to serve the company in a more competitive way
  • To provide solutions to assure the Success of the FDP and the volumes/values booked through proactive management of the FDP Uncertainties, operational surprises and cost keeping.
  • To provide integrated decision making and working platforms from the management and study teams to the development and operation teams
  • To propose effective Field Development Planning (FDP) formulation guideline and workflows with clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and monitoring tools on the critical elements.


2.    Opportunity Framing & Production Optimization through Reservoir Dynamic Characterization 

  • To give consultation and propose integrated solutions and workflows to improve the field geological and dynamic understanding and manage the uncertainties using the production/pressure and surveillance data
  • To propose quick proven methodologies on opportunity screening and development plan formulation using the existing data/info.
  • To propose techniques on maximizing the asset values and getting the most out of the fields through effective step-by-step opportunity framing/identification and early monetization plans (EMP)

3. Deepwater Exploration: Dealing with Complex Asset

  • With broad experiences and expertise on complex assets and reservoirs, to give consultation and propose proven methodologies and best practices to commercialize and monetize such assets.
  • Complex Reservoirs (High CO2, Thin beds, LRLC, Compartmentalized, Oil rims, Layered Reservoirs, Carbonates)
  • To propose integrated workflows with cost effective and fit-for-purpose development scenarios to maximize the field values at lower cost
  • To study the right well/completion architecture and design with the right level of flexibility and smartness required coupled with geomechanics to get the most out of the well and penetrated reservoirs/comparments.
  • To propose the right level of integrated reservoir modeling required coupled with the analytical/classical reservoir dynamic evaluation and staged implementation on the Do-Learn-Adapt basis.